In honor of NATHAN BLISS, EXPEDITION.LIFE. has proudly donated to many organizations.
2023 NATHAN BLISS SCHOLARSHIP FUND at BOURNE HIGH SCHOOL: EXPEDITION. LIFE. will be presenting two monetary scholarships this 2023 graduation. One scholarship will be awarded to someone entering any branch of the Unites States Military and one scholarship will be awarded to someone entering college for teaching.
Expedition.Life. proudly presented a check for $4,000 to the Endurance Society! The proceeds support the Silver Towers Camp and will go towards a handicap accessible hiking trail! Thank you to all who donated and participated. Special thanks to Ryan and Ryan for running 22 hours straight to help us raise money for such a great cause!
Keeping Our Veterans Warm Project
UPDATE: With the generosity and support of all of you , EXPEDITION.LIFE. proudly dropped off 40 pairs of new winter boots, 40 pairs of new winter gloves and hats and 40 new winter jackets to the Veterans Outreach Program in Hyannis.
The winter months are upon us and the chill in the air has grown from comfortable to unbearable for anyone spending most of their time outside. In the months ahead a warm jacket and dry boots, even something so small as a pair gloves, will be a huge asset for keeping warm outdoors, especially for those who are without a home or without means. That is why Expedition Life will be donating 40 Winter Jackets, 40 Pair of Boots, and 40 Sets of Gloves and Hats to veterans in need on Cape Cod.
With your help, we made a direct impact on the lives of our local heroes and provide needed support to our brothers and sisters.
All gear was donated directly to Veteran support services located on Cape Cod. Thank you for your generosity. God Bless our Veterans and God Bless America!