The Expedition.Life. Team will be running in the 2023 INFINITUS Rugged Trails Race May 26th thru May28th in Ripton Vermont. Our team will be running a combination of 145 miles (100 mile race, 27 mile race and 9 mile race(2). This year we will be running in honor of Nathan Bliss and Mike Hannus. We will be raising money for the “ARMY RANGER LEAD THE WAY FUND”. This amazing non-profit organization provided financial support to U.S. Army Rangers and the families of those who have died, have been disabled or who are currently serving in harms way around the world.
If you like to donate to our race there are a few options: please use the Venmo QR code in the RACE tab or go to our DONATE tab and donate thru paypal or send a check to
Expedition.Life P.O. Box 97 Sagamore, MA 02561
We thank you in advance for any donation you are able to make.
Together we are just……….”bringing a little Nate and Mike”